Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Our website uses its own and third-party cookies and in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSICE) and complemented by the current GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, we are going to inform you about what they are, which ones we use on our website, how to accept, delete or configure them on your device and we will ask for your consent for their use.


A cookie is a small file that is installed on your computer, mobile phone or tablet through your browser. It contains numbers and letters that identify your browsing, but does not access your personal data. The cookie sends information back and forth between the browser and the websites visited. It can only be read and understood by the website that created it. They cannot contain viruses or be executed, since they are not active files.


According to the period of time they remain active:

· Session: those that remain active while you browse in each session and then disappear.

· Persistent: those that stay on your computer for a longer time to carry out continuous monitoring, as long as you return to browse our website.

According to the person in charge who manages them:

· Own: if we are the ones who manage them.

· From third parties: if others are responsible and provide us with aggregated and statistical information about the browsing of our users.

According to the purpose:

· Technical: they allow navigation on our website based on the platform or application we use, provide functionality to the website that would not otherwise allow you to browse, share, buy and also provide security.

· Personalization: they allow you to choose the preferred language, the regional configuration from which you access, the browser you use, all of this to create a user profile and remember you on subsequent visits.

· Analytics: allow user profiles to be created based on your preferences or browsing habits, in this way we know which parts of the web are of most interest to our users, in which geographical areas they operate, age groups, gender, browser used, duration of the visit etc. And with all that information aggregated and presented statistically, we can improve our content to offer you better services.

Marketing: are those that, based on user profiles and browsing habits, extract aggregate information to offer personalized advertising based on your preferences or interests so that when you visit our website, the advertising spaces will show you information that we think may be of your interest related to your preferences. They also help us to manage our advertising campaigns on the Internet and direct our resources to a sector of the public that we think may be more interested in our products or services.

What types of cookies do we use at

Our website uses technical and customization cookies that are essential for the website to function correctly. These cookies should not be disabled since functional navigation would be impossible. These include Google Tag Manager and Shopify (online store platform).

We also use analytical cookies that allow us to create browsing profiles based on your tastes or decisions and whose purpose is none other than to allow us to know the profiles of users who browse our website and improve the content based on their preferences.

The services are provided through: Google Analytics and Shopify.

We use marketing cookies that allow us to manage our advertising and sometimes show you personalized advertising to your tastes or preferences on this website and on others. The services are displayed through Facebook, Instagram, Google and Mailchimp or similar.

Manage your cookies

The GDPR requires that the installation of cookies on your computer can only be done when you have given your consent, after you have been provided with clear and complete information, in particular about the purposes of the treatment.

You can accept or reject the installation of a cookie on your computer, but keep in mind that the plugins that facilitate this task are in the development phase and not all of them work and that your browsing experience will always depend on these cookies. You can use "private browsing" from your computer or use some type of "adblock" to block cookies.

You can manage cookies from your browser:

Explorer:"ie-10" Chrome: ?hl="es" Firefox: